Today was a reasonably warm day. Up near 70 today. I took this photo here at 4pm of our thermometer.
As you can see it is 63º F outside. A nice decent temperature. Inside our house it's a little stuffy, around 73 degrees, so I have the windows open to enjoy the nice fresh air. And so it will cool down a little bit in here.
Except the air is not all that fresh. This next photo was taken about 20 seconds after the above photo. It's the house on the street behind our house.
Please someone explain why one would need to burn in thier fireplace when it is 63º? And for that matter, why people can't burn dry wood, instead of green evergreen wood that smokes like this. Every night we have to shut our windows because of this. There are times it's so hot and stuffy in the house, I need to run an Air Conditioner, even though it's in the 50's outside.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
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